13 January 2011

St. Clement, Post 6: More Ingredients...

Yesterday, 22 inches of snow fell on our mountain....and I spent much of the evening attempting to clear out the driveway, walks, and decks so we could move about today. My back is sore, and my frost-bitten fingers were in agony....but all was forgotten when I drove up the driveway today and found that UPS - which had been unable to make deliveries yesterday...had left me a present in the garage today!

French Orange Ochre, French Yellow Ochre. Pelleted Rabbit Skin Glue. Italian Marble Dust (Italian - how perfect for St. Clement!). Chalk Dust. Titanium White. Ultramarine Violet. Venetian Red.

I'm actually just about ready to stop thinking/musing/preparing, and to start the physical work of the Icon...something I will begin next week. Just as I incorporated water from St. Columba's well into the Icon of St. Columba, so have I hoped to incorporate materials dedicated by the Church to St. Clement into this Icon, although this is becoming more difficult than I originally thought.

A gentleman from an Anglican Church in Rome (All Saints Church) wrote to inform me that there is a spring in the scavi (archaeological dig) under St. Clement's Basilica in Rome. It is believed that the basilica may in fact be built on top of Clement's home...and this would certainly be an interesting source of water for the icon...but so far, no one has stepped forward to climb down into the scavi and ship some to me...and I know I'm not getting to Rome any time soon.

On this continent, the Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of the Incarnation (Diocese of Long Island) has been searching for me in vain for any artifacts that might have remained from St. Clement's Church in Baldwin, especially those that may have been salvaged from a fire that destroyed the building on Oct 14, 1966...at 6:21 pm....it was the year that my dad was the Captain of Baldwin Fire Department Hose Co. #1. Unfortunately, the diocese has nothing...but I will continue to pursue a few more channels.

I've gotten back into the habit of praying (well, actually singing) through Morning Prayer each day on the way to work...and feeling that I am as sufficiently prepared to start the physical work of the Icon as I ever will be...

O Clement and Peter, You are worthy of all praise!
Holy and unassailable strongholds of the Church,
Inspired models of true faith and devotion:
Guard us all through your intercessions!

- Kontakion for St. Clement,
Orthodox Church in America

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